Monday, 8 August 2011

Robi/Aktel Internet Packages

Volume Based Pack



   How to get  

Charge (without VAT)

1 1GB Dial *8444*85# Tk. 275
2 3GB Dial *8444*84# Tk. 450
3 5GB Dial *8444*83# Tk. 650


Validity for each pack – 30 days.

Multiple package can be activated even if you have existing pack activated; then
ultimate validity will be as per the most recent activated package date.Dial
*222*81# to know the remaining Internet volume.


Daily Browsing Pack
If you are an Robi prepaid subscriber, and use the Internet occasionally – but heavily, this is the right plan for you. Only Robi prepaid subscribers can enjoy this internet plan. 

Dial *8444*81# to get the pack. There will be no waiting time! 
Enjoy Robi INTERNET for the rest of the day – INSTANTLY!!!   You will get internet access from activation to 11:59 PM, only at Tk. 55.   
Now you can download files of your choice and videos and chat with your friends by only paying for the day.  

  • You can use up to 200 MB of data (Browsing + Download + Upload) for each package. 
  • After consuming 200 MB or after 12 AM, regular GPRS charge (Pay Per Use charge) will be applicable.
  • You can buy the package as many times as you want to increase your usage limit.
  • To check your usage balance of the Internet package, dial *222*81#.
  • Service charge for contents is not included in this package
  • VAT and conditions applicable.     


20/20 Internet Pack

  for its Prepaid subscribers…….
Just dial *8444*20# to activate
Charging Table:
Activation Code Pack Price Validity Balance check
*8444*20# 20 MB BDT 20+VAT 7 days *222*81#

  1. VAT applicable
  2. Subscribers can purchase the offer by dialing *8444*20#
  3. After each successful purchase, subscribers will get notification pop-up
  4. Multiple purchases applicable
  5. Offer will be valid for 7 days from the time of purchase
  6. After purchasing 20 MB package, subscribers will be able to buy any other internet pack.
  7. For balance check, dial *222*81#


Monthly Unlimited Internet

To stay online anytime and all the time - this is the best choice. One has to pay only Tk. 750 per month for constant connectivity. There is no usage limit which ensures complete freedom! Only Robi postpaid subscribers can enjoy this internet plan.
How to subscribe?
Type A1 and send SMS to 8555 from your Robi postpaid connection. After getting the notification SMS, reply with Y to confirm. Subscription will be activated within next 72 hours.  
  • To go back to Pay-Per-Use plan, type A1 OFF and SMS to 8555
  • Service charge for contents is not included in this package
  • SMS charge applicable

VAT and conditions applicable


Night Browsing Plan

If you can only manage to get online at night, then just go for this package.This offer is only for Robi postpaid (General Class) customers.
You can enjoy internet access daily from 12:00 AM to 8:00 AM with a monthly charge of Tk. 275 only. From 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM, Pay-Per-Use charge will be applicable. 
How to subscribe? Just type A2 and send SMS to 8555 from your Robi postpaid connection.
When you get a notification SMS, just reply with Y to confirm.

Your subscription will be activated within next 72 hours.
  • To go back to Pay-Per-Use plan, type A2 OFF and SMS to 8555.
  • Service charge for contents is not included in this package.
  • SMS charge applicable
  • VAT and conditions applicable

All Robi customers can enjoy this internet plan. It is the default internet package under which any Robi user can start using internet as soon as s/he configures handset with Robi Internet settings.  
No additional activation is required.  
If you only use the Internet to check your emails and some quick browsing, this is the plan which will fit your requirement. You only have to pay for the Kilobytes you consume. There is no monthly fee, no usage limit.

Sl No Hour Time Charge (Without VAT)
1 Peak 9:01 AM to 12:59 AM 2 Paisa/KB
2 Off-Peak 1:00 AM to 9:00 AM 1 Paisa/KB

VAT and conditions applicable. 

10 MB Pack
If you are an Robi prepaid subscriber, and require Internet – INSTANTLY!!!
this is the right plan for you. Only Robi prepaid subscribers can enjoy this internet plan.
Dial *8444*80# to get the package. There will be no waiting time!

Enjoy Robi INTERNET for the rest of the day!!!You will get internet access from activation to next 12 am, only at Tk. 10.You can purchase as much packages as you wish in a day.

Now you can download files of your choice and videos and chat with your friends by only paying for the day.
  • You can use up to 10 MB of data (Browsing + Download + Upload) for each package.
  • After consuming 10 MB or after 12 AM, regular GPRS charge (Pay Per Use charge) will be applicable.
  • You can buy the package as many times as you want to increase your usage limit.
  • To check your remaining Internet volume, please dial *222*81#.
  • Service charge for contents is not included in this package.
  • VAT and conditions applicable.

Internet Settings

To set Robi Internet in your Handset follow the below instructions:
Go through step by step to provide the required information.
Request for settings from your handset:
Dial *140*7*3# from your GPRS/ EDGE enabled handset:
  • You will get a response like this, Please enter the Model Number of your Handset:
  • In reply, please type your handset name and model number (e.g. Nokia 6070).
  • Within a moment you will receive the internet setting as a Configuration message.
  • Open the message and save it.
  • If required, use 1234 as PIN code.
Now you are ready to browse with Robi Internet.
For difficulties finding the appropriate settings for your handset, please follow the below instructions
  • Type "*#06#" to see the IMI number of your handset
  • Write down only the first 8 digits of this number e.g. If the IMI number is 358977010423884, write only 35897701
  • Type web 35897701 and SMS to 8738You will receive your desired settings
For any further help, please call Robi Helpline 123 or visit your nearest Robi Care Center.
  • SMS charge applicable for downloading settings
  • VAT applicable

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